China’s Russian Princess: The Silent Wife of Chiang Ching-Kuo
蒋經國的俄國妻子 – 蒋方良
For years, Faina, the Russian wife of Chiang Kai-shek’s son Ching-kuo, was a missing link in our understanding of 20th century China. Mark O’Neill’s new biography tells an astonishing story of a young woman who started as a Soviet factory worker and found herself deeply entwined in the political turmoil of the formation of modern China. This is not just a story of a political couple, but rather a wideranging and compelling tale of the forces that shaped a political generation – and eventually, democracy in Taiwan.
蔣方良原名芬娜,生於白俄羅斯,1935年與蔣經國結為夫妻,翌年便隨丈夫離開出生地,遠赴中國大陸,成為第一家庭的媳婦;後來更隨國民黨遷台,配合丈夫的政在《蔣經國的俄國妻子──蔣方良》,作者馬克.奧尼爾(Mark O’Neill)便梳理出蔣方良的一生,還親身訪問了蔣良方的次子蔣孝武、三兒媳蔣方智怡和明星咖啡廳主理人簡靜惠等人,務求最貼近地、以一手資料將蔣方良的面貌呈現出來。這名低調的俄籍女子,有著中國傳統婦女的形象,在家相夫教子,默默做丈夫背後的女人。